325 South Street, Fennville, MI 49408
Lexington Square - Three Bedroom (PBV Campaign)
Lexington Square has vacancy in their Project Based Voucher Units, these units are subsidized based on a family's income level. While this is not a Section 8 unit, it receives rental assistance similar to Section 8 funding.
In order to qualify a family must meet the following criteria:
1. They must have 3+ dependents for a three bedroom.
2. Must be at or under the income limits which are:
-Household of Four: $55,320
-Household of Five: $59,760
-Household of Six: $64,200
3. Meet any other criteria the PBV agency may have.
If you are interested in applying you can reach out to compliance@mthmgt.com for a property application and a PBV application.
Contact us:
(269) 883-0051